Ford’s Gaming Transit, a van that has accessible gaming stations to help children with limited mobility, travelled through Europe to deliver excitement and new experiences in 2021.

The Gaming Transit visited almost 1,400 disadvantaged children, 31 charities, hospices and alternative provision schools.

What we did

Ford and Team Fordzilla wanted to give something back to the community and wanted to create something which would bring people together to make amazing memories. In addition, and most importantly, we also wanted to promote inclusivity and accessibility for all in our community. In order to do this, we adapted a Transit Van with our partners Allied and MS-RT which would take the joy of gaming to those who otherwise may not have easy access to gaming.

The tour kicked off in Spain, then on to Germany, through France and the UK. During the tour we also stopped off at Gamescom and showcased Vanzilla to a massive group of our fans and it was clear everyone LOVED IT! The tour took place over a 7-month period beginning in May 2021 and had numerous stops within all 4 countries.

We visited children’s hospices, special educational need schools, junior schools, and care centres. Seeing the bursts of excitement on these young people’s faces made the project so worthwhile!


How we did it

In the creation of Ford’s Gaming Transit, we designed a completely bespoke Team Fordzilla wrap for the Ford Transit with nightclub lighting and large screens. Not only was there an access ramp, but the Xbox consoles had accessible controllers which collectively made sure everybody felt like a rockstar when they arrived.

Gaming consoles within Vanzilla were set up with some of the Europe’s favourite games giving everyone equal opportunity to get top scores.

Opening the doors of Vanzilla allowed us to add in Next Level Racing SIM racing sleds to engage young people into the e-sports racing movement all within an impressive inflatable protective Team Fordzilla tent.


How it WENT

Having received hand written thank you cards and numerous emails from many we met along the way – we can confidently say Vanzilla was a huge success!

Everyone in Team Fordzilla that was involved in the project had so much enjoyment creating the Gaming Transit and touring it around Europe.

Despite constant changes to travel restrictions throughout the tour, we were still able to successfully deliver a multi country event experience which positively impacted thousands.

Check out the video above from one of our UK stops!

This won’t be the last you see of Vanzilla. keep an eye out for updates for 2022!



Well that’s a sad headline. And unfortunately it’s true.

When every face on a Twitch stream is a man’s, except for the few.

When trolls harass women for how they look. Rather than celebrating how they race.

When any racer who doesn’t fit the ‘mould’ is already on the backfoot. Not because they lack skill. But because our culture hasn’t figured out how to welcome them as equals yet.

And yes, we’re talking about this on International Women’s Day while only having one female in our own roster of 42 racers. But that’s exactly why we’re talking about it

We want to be the most inclusive racing team out there. So clearly we need to do things differently


We’re bringing women from gaming and motorsport together to discuss the issue and educate ourselves, with Twitch panels, chats and Q+A sessions. Look for upcoming events and use #WomenToTheTrack to join the discussion


There are lots of factors contributing to this problem. We’re on the hunt for an academic partner to help us research and discover what these causes are, and how to solve them


The lack of women in Team Fordzilla is on us. We know they’re out there, we just haven’t been looking hard enough. So we’ll be searching high and low for the best racers, who just so happen to be women. Plus, we’ll be starting a mentor programme to inspire and upskill a diverse generation of future racers

This isn’t a problem that’s resolved in three short steps But you can’t win the race if you don’t start it

So let’s get on the track

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